Zi Wei Dou Shu - Chinese Astrology

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Zi Wei Dou Shu - Chinese Astrology

Post by phoenix1392 » Wed Jan 31, 2007 11:41 pm

Can any one tell me more about this form of Chinese astrology and how to understand it? Thanks

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Post by Malachai » Sun Feb 04, 2007 11:39 am

I would like to know more about Chinese astrology in detail. I am sure that there is more to it than the animal and element of the year you were born. I know that the year is divided into animal months and the day into animal hours, but I know little more than this and there must be so much more to it.

Does Chinese astrology actually incorporate the stars and planets, moon phases etc.?

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Zi Wei is the only e truly chinese astrology...

Post by danielnettod » Thu Sep 20, 2007 2:25 am

Hello, the method of Chinese astrology Zi Wei Dou Shu is the only that it is complete, deep and reliable. Signs and too much, belonging to the Chinese horoscope has little value.  
There is many dispersed masters for the world that you teach this technique. It is worthwhile to study her. There are some good books also on Zi Wei.

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Post by Chicot » Mon Nov 05, 2007 6:00 am

Hi, heres something I found somewhere on the web.


Zi WEi Dou Shu is a branch of Chinese Astrology. It utilizes the Chinese Lunar Calendar. A Zi Wei Dou Shu chart is divided into 12 palaces representing the 12 chinese earthly animals. Each palace corresponds to a particular aspect or part of our life. Each of these palaces are governed by major and minor stars. These stars have their own characteristics that affect the palace they are in.There are about 115 stars which govern the characteristics of the various palaces.The stars are not the actual celestial bodies in the Universe. They are merely mathematical symbols bearing different properties.
A Typical Zi Wei Dou Shu Chart—
                                                    Friends Palace                       Snake
                                         Travel Palace                         Horse
                                                    Health Palace                        Goat
                                          Wealth Palace                      Monkey

                                                     Career Palace                        Dragon      
                                                     Child Palace                           Rooster
                                                      Property Palace                   Rabbit
                                                     Spouse Palace                       Dog
                                                     Happy Palace                        Tiger
                                           Parent Palace                        Ox
                                                      Life Palace                             Rat
                                                      Sibling Palace                        Pig

A palace is affected and influenced by the adjacent palaces, the opposite palace and the related harmony palaces. When there are no major stars in a palace which is under study , the major stars in the opposite palace is then examined as if the stars there are actually in the palace being analyzed. This is because the opposite palace is like a mirror image of the palace being analyzed. These two palaces have the strongest influence on each other.

The palaces rotate around the chart.A person has a 10 year luck chart and an annual luck chart. A person's first 10 year luck chart is the same as the original natal chart. The second 10 year luck chart has the Life Palace either occupying the Parents Palace or Siblings Palace depending upon whether being a male of a female. The other palaces move one place following the Life Palace. This rotation in the chart causes our luck to change.

The twelve Palaces and their descriptions
No Name of Palace                          The description
1 Life                                 Determines one's character and achievement
2 Parents                        Describes relation with parents and elders
3 Happiness                             Mental state of happiness
4 Property                          describes the major investments
5 Career                        the career that suits and the performance
6 Friends                                    Sort of friends likely
7 Travel                                     tells whether one shall move to another place
8 Health                                           general health conditions
9 Wealth                              describes overall financial status
10 Children                                  gives relation likely with children
11 Marriage                                         describes married life
12 Siblings                                how one gets along with brothers, sisters.

The 14 Major Stars are:
Mercy Star (Tian Ji)
Sun (Tai Yang)
Finance Star (Wu Qu)
Lucky Star (Tian Tong)

Treasury Star (Tian Fu)
Moon (Tai Yin)
Flirting Star (Tan Lang)
Gloomy Star (Ju Men)

Blessing Star (Tian Liang)
Power Star (Qi Sha)
Ruinous Star (Po Jun)
Wicked Star (Lian Zhen)
Minister Star (Tian Xiang)
Emperor Star (Zi Wei)

The Lucky Stars are:
Angel 1 (Tian Kui)
Angel 2 (Tian Yue)
Deputy 1 (Zuo Fu)
Deputy 2 (You Bi)
Intellect Star (Wen chang)
Intelligence Star (Wen Qu)

The Harmful Stars are:
Worrisome Star (Tuo Luo)
Troublesome Star (Qing Yang)
Fiery Star (Huo Xing)
Siren Star (Ling Xing)
Misfortune Star (Di Kong)
Calamity Star (Di Jie)

The Auxiliary Stars are:
Abundance Star (Lu Cun)
Pegasus (Tian Ma)
Stern Star (tian Xing)
Romance Star (Tian Yao)
Wedding Star (Hong Luan)
Birth Star (Tian Xi)

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