"Kind of Crisis" with new Revelations

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"Kind of Crisis" with new Revelations

Post by moonspirit333 » Thu Jul 22, 2010 7:14 am

I am really struggling with this & wondered if anyone can relate?  I never had trouble "fitting in before" or having a "social group"....suddenly, after months of deep spiritual introspection, I feel as if I truly don't belong in this world.

I don't understand it.  I don't really like most of the ppl.  I feel lost.  I don't know where to turn...I have become "agoraphobic" and won't leave the apt for days at a time.

I have one truly best friend/Soul-Mate who is really too busy to fit me into her life (she has a partner and I am single.)

I have just began to re-connect with a Soul Mate who got scared and ran about 4 mos ago.  He was also an old lover.  We both agree we don't want to be monogamous, though we currently are...we just feel we like the freedom to do as we wish, when we wish to is important to each of us.

But I keep going back to this feeling of totally not belonging in today's society.  I'm not a church - goer b/c I have mostly an eclectic blend of Native American spirituality...hard to find others with these beliefs who will let you in...

anyone else relate?

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Post by nighthawk » Fri Jul 30, 2010 5:21 am

What you dislike in others is what you dislike in yourself. Or how you think you used to be. It is common after a spiritual journey to feel this way. Once you understand that, hopefully you will come to the point of understanding that by sending love into these cosmic mirrors of self (other people), you are accepting and loving yourself and increasing love in the world.

It is quite easy to feel you have the moral/spiritual high ground and others are small, mean, vicious, stupid creatures and that you are nothing like them and have no place with them. This is not the true path, however, but more self-deception. The good news is, you have at least gotten this far! the next step is to learn that we are all One. It's time to dig in and start helping others as well as yourself.

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Post by FairyQueen » Fri Jul 30, 2010 8:29 am

''What you dislike in others is what you dislike in yourself'' I found it coolest so I decided to share something personal here. It may not be very relevant but still including. I came across people who talk nonsense hours after hours. It does not make any sense to me and i find them foolish and literally insignificant to the core. Unfortunately they are told in such a manner as if they are very crucial and important. I feel even more exasperated with these pseudo unimportant manner. Sometimes feel dubious also am i acting impatient or indulging the nonsense further. God knows. feeling too sad and disgusted.

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Post by Elgina » Fri Jul 30, 2010 12:00 pm

One need to understand his/her inner spirit. I think most of the people are too much engrossed into other's life (personal or professional). So, we need more to concentrate into ourselves. Response is appreciated.[/url]

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Post by nighthawk » Mon Aug 02, 2010 3:16 am

Yes, the first step is to understand yourself. The next step is to understand that there is no such thing as self.  
When you run into people you dislike, stop. Think about what is it specifically that you dislike about them. Then ask yourself why you dislike it and relate this back to your own nature. You are in no way obligated to feed these other peoples' issues.  For example: some people are homophobic because they are afraid deep down inside that they have homosexual leanings. In fear, they strike out in hate. and they justify it any number of ways. Once you understand that always always fear breeds anger breeds hate, you will learn compassion. Would you strike a small child for screaming out from a nightmare? no, of course not. You would comfort and calm that child. You would try to help that child understand that there is nothing to fear. No fear, no anger, no hatred. at some point, we are all children, crying in the dark. Be kind.

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Post by Elgina » Mon Aug 02, 2010 7:19 am

Here one's "self" is not the self centered self... But it is rather the self which is part and parcel of the almighty and will merge into the divine spirit.. It is the theory of karma...

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Post by firefly43210 » Tue Aug 10, 2010 4:00 pm

know one thing ? i just read that feeling apart from majority of humanity has to do with the first chakra being blocked . i would suggest that you go for a chakra test available for free somewhere in the net . Google for it and take the test . it may produce some help .

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Post by misty sur » Tue Oct 12, 2010 5:47 am

it doesn't matter whether you go to a church or not. it matters how you mingle with people, how you can connect yourself to people (it may sound bad to you but you have to do it. ) you have to come out of the shell and reach out to people, only then you can be happy with what life has to offer. remember, communication is the key and you can't be happy or content unless you communicate with others. how do you know that these are the only soulmates you have? i mean, there could be others. be friendly with people, smile and believe in the power of humor. life is not that bad.

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