Payewacker's Tarot - The Celtic Cross and how to read it, expanded discussions, POSITION TWO.

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Payewacker's Tarot - The Celtic Cross and how to read it, expanded discussions, POSITION TWO.

Post by Payewacker » Sun Jan 31, 2010 5:40 pm

Hi Guys,

Position two in the Celtic Cross is what we deal with in this thread;

To view the Published Doc, follow this link;

The Main Celtic Cross Tutorial can be viewed, following this Link

Blessed be.
Last edited by Payewacker on Sun Feb 07, 2010 3:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Payewacker » Sun Jan 31, 2010 6:59 pm

Hi Guys

Position Two in the Celtic Cross.

This card crosses you,
This card strengthens or weakens the first card or the effects of the first one. It shows obstacles or ameliorating circumstances; events and situations which currently exist or are coming up in the immediate future; this will have a direct influence on the situation in question. If the card is favorable it will strengthen good influences if it is reversed or unfavorable it will negate or weaken positive attributes and strengthen negative influences. In representing obstacles, if the card is favorable, it will be something good in itself, but not productive of good in the particular connection.

In this card we see dualities, a pairing between thought and that which it is contained in. We can also see that although it may be a pairing, it might also signify the possible opposing forces within oneself. Therefore card two in essence signifies obstacles, even though the card itself may be positive, it would not necessarily have a positive influence, thus the division. This card can also indicate obstacles the querent is not aware of, actions and influences busy unfolding without the Querent’s knowledge. We can consider this card as the "container" of a person's Aleph (first thought).

Therefore the person's perception or mind is altered through card 2, placed with the upright to the left. And in this, the obstruction being contained in card 2 is an archetypal influence, which can translate into any level of energy, be it archetypal, existential or cosmic. This position is the "carrier" of any person's thought, or environment. His/her, Bething - Beth (thoughts on the primary thought).

As this placement is ruled by the High Priestess. We receive our intuition through the left, and the right hand is the "practical" side. That is also why we shuffle anti-clockwise with the left hand. The right is used to "assist"

Beth (2) can be seen as the primary separator, or container or physical support. It can be seen as the division between that which is contained and that which is not. In Beth we move into the material, whereby it is the primary act of consciousness, recognising itself. In the Biological process we see it as Abstract Cell energy. We see a clear contrast between Aleph (infinite, unknowable) and Beth. In thinking about Beth, we create Beths of thought, the logical place where we realize Aleph. Beth can be seen as a road sign, but we cannot think arbitrarily, with these signs pointing to the material world. Our minds should think non-arbitrary, and in Semantic generalities.

“Beth is not any of our Contained thoughts about our primary thought or source, such as container, matter, duality, separation, division. It is the Beth-ness of all those specific qualifications, across the entire range of structuration of matter and consciousness. Similarly, as we encounter each letter, Gimmel is not our Beth of Gimmel, but a sign for a completely generalized abstract organizational principle underlying all our Beths of motion, movement, change, interchange and relationship. In fact, Gimmel is not in our Beths at all, but rather in the movement of our Beths animated by Aleph, of which we have no Beth (thought) at all.”

Having a new way of thinking, we learned to “Beth” in the most or broader spectrum of structure as opposed to specific objects.

Trying to simplify the “Beth” of Aleph. We can consider Beth to be the first point of “resistance”, an obstruction in itself, by which our first thought (Aleph) has become a part of the archetypal cycle, and brought into our space-time, by Beth. The main consideration should be given to understand that we have now successfully transformed our thought into a tangible, yet abstract influence or circumstance.

In the broader sense, we can consider that Aleph, being contained will now find direction, and movement is imminent. As to achieve attainment, we need to develop a structure and a catalyst of development to ensure progress.

“Beth (2): Everything that exists is the conditioning of life and the life of the conditioning. Everything that is, exists both internally and externally. Each germ of life has an envelope, which derives its movement from the great cosmic force of resistance to the life which is surging up from within (If the shell does not offer the right measure of resistance, the chicken will not hatch.) This whole duality of existence -- and of our own thought -- is conveyed by no. 2. This is also where we see that Aleph breaks down resistance, however the resistance is not broken by Aleph.
Suares, The Cipher of Genesis, p.65”

Blessed be.

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