A forum where you can post words which inspire you, or make you smile.

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Pravin Kumar
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Mon Nov 26, 2012 3:31 am

For the visually oriented, this technique can drop brainwave rates to theta very rapidly. The Colors Technique enables you to achieve the mental powers you have set out to possess.

Recall the colors of the rainbow? Here's a refresher: Red, Orange Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet.

In order to achieve the theta brainwave state. You must lie down, uncross your legs and arms, and breathe in slowly. After awhile, envision in your mind's eye any red object. See an apple, Or perhaps a red Corvette. Really visualize it three dimensionally and drink in the detail. See the shimmer, the sparkle. Hold the image for about thirty seconds then fade the picture away. Start visualizing any orange object. It can be the orange fruit or a basketball. See the ridges on the basketball. Imagine the roughness of its hide. Fade the image away then do the same for Yellow until you have reached the color Violet. At this point, your brain is vibrating at low Alpha levels. Proceed to deepen the relaxation state:

When all the colors have been visualized, imagine yourself appearing in front of a staircase that is leading downwards into the darkness. There are EXACTLY 21 steps. Step down to the first step and feel the sensation of actually stepping down. Step down onto the second step and experience the impression of descent. Do the same till the 21 st step. Upon reaching this last step, visualize a door ahead. Study it. Notice the details. Is it wood? Steel? Plastic. This is the door to your special place. A highly spiritual plane.

Open the door and imagine your dream world. It may be a lake, a mountain range, even outer space. Whatever you choose, make sure it isn't the place where you are now. You have entered a place where you can retreat to for hours on end just to meditate, to think, to converse with whatever denizen you decide to manifest here. This is you sacred place. Your sacred place vibrates with energy. Breathe in and imagine absorbing tremendous amounts of energy. Do this for about three minutes.

Now, you are ready to being the seduction. From now on, this will also be the place where you will conduct all your mind power techniques.

Posts: 1204
Joined: Thu Jan 03, 2013 3:41 pm

Post by symulhaque » Fri Feb 01, 2013 4:57 pm

Thank you for your post.

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