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Pravin Kumar
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Sat May 26, 2012 3:28 am


Modern methods of rearing animals for slaughter and human contaminated with various chemicals. The use of artificial methods of stimulating an animal’s growth is becoming alarmingly prevalent throughout the world. Hormones and   other substances  are administered to the animals in their food and  by injection, along with other antibiotics and vaccines. These remain in the flesh the animal is slaughtered and are eaten by the usually unsuspecting consumer. Exactly what effect these substances have on the human body will not be discussed here, for they are still the subject of present day research and of the future. But we do feel that these extraneous toxins must have some influence on our body, and probably are detrimental to health and well-being.

The main important factor is that animal flesh contains adrenaline. This is a powerful hormone and stimulant, which is released into the blood during times of emergency.  In other words, whenever an animal faces a possibly dangerous situation, adrenaline is immediately injected into the bloodstream, which in turn triggers the whole body to state of  tension and readiness for action. It is a necessary safety mechanism that is also an important part of the human body. Now when an animal is killed it is in a state of fear. A large amount of adrenaline is pumped into the blood, prior to death, and is retained in the flesh. As far as we know this adrenaline retains its potency and when the meat is eaten the effects are passed on to the consumer. That is, the adrenaline from meat acts on the human system as though it came from the human adrenal glands under conditions of fear or stress.

The putrefaction of  meat is another important consideration, especially in hotter climates. Meat, particularly liver, putrefies very rapidly, for more rapidly than no flesh foods.  This process produces highly noxious poisons formed by bacteria present. These bacteria invade the large intestine by the billions after consuming meat, which in turn produces more and more toxic substances. This leads to disruption of the digestive processes and poisoning of the system, creating favorable conditions for infection and disease. Vegetarianism reduces this tendency.

Apart from all these artificially introduced substance, the flesh of dead animal is a wonderful breeding ground for germs. This can be dangerous if the meat is not cooked properly. Furthermore, meat  contains natural waste  materials and toxins, a byproduct of every animal’s normal living. When the meat is eaten , these waste products are taken into the human body and in turn must be expelled. Of course, the body is usually quite capable of doing this, yet at the same time this imposes an extra burden on the kidney and the other organs of elimination.

Many disease, particularly heart ailments would seem to be closely associated with heavy  meat eating. Constipation has also been closely connected with meat eating. We do feel, however, that a vegetarian diet helps to reduce the likelihood of certain diseases occurring.

Many people believe meat to be an excellent source of energy;  without it we will wallow in a state of lethargy. Actually meat, like other protein foods, is not ideal type of food for providing the body’s energy demands. The best foods for providing energy are the carbohydrates and fats, such as bread, cereals, butter, etc. The body has a certain protein requirement in order to build up and rejuvenate all worn out cells. This is not very economical, for protein foods, including meat, generally are far more expensive than foods containing carbohydrates and fats. Also, the proteins that are used in this manner tend to leave certain residues or ‘ashes’ in the body as a byproduct, which has to be eliminated by the kidney, placing a greater load on these normally overworked organs. So, in fact, meat and other high protein  foods are not the best foods to obtain your energy requirements. Also, note that your daily protein needs are surprisingly low under normal conditions of health (60 gm) and so it is not necessary to consume large amounts of protein food, whether meat, milk, nuts or any other form of protein source.

It is easier for the digestive system to process vegetarian food. There are less waste products for the body to eliminate after digestion compared to meat eating.

Throughout history many sages and yogis have advocated vegetarianism as the preferred way of life. This has not only been the case in India; some of the Greek philosophers, such as Archimedes, urged people to become vegetarians.
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Post by Cyrenius » Sun Aug 05, 2012 12:49 pm

Very nice post. I am also a vegetarian

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Post by Suze_E » Tue Aug 28, 2012 1:31 pm

I'm a vegetarian as well.  Have been for about 20 years or so.  People often ask me if I crave meat - which I never have.  How about you folks?  Any strange cravings at times?  If so, how do you deal with them?

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Post by Cyrenius » Sat Sep 01, 2012 12:44 pm

I usualy eat what I feel to eat, and I'm a vegetarian for 12 years. I don't have any craving about meat, actualy I 'm a bit disgustead just when I think at the posibility that I might eat meat.
And to think that in my childhood I eat meat with meat and now I can't look at it

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Post by Qizmo » Sat Sep 01, 2012 10:57 pm

I tried to be a vegetarian to try and support my friend though it because she was struggling and I am happy to say we are now vegetarians :)
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Post by Cyrenius » Wed Sep 05, 2012 9:00 pm

Good for you, it's more healthier and in time you will see that it's no struggle.

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Post by Cyrenius » Sun Sep 09, 2012 8:34 am

And here is a great site where it's explained why humans are natural plant eaters

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Post by Suze_E » Sun Sep 09, 2012 7:54 pm

I usually take articles like this with a grain of salt.  However, it's not the first time I've read such evidence.  Regardless, my vegetarianism is and always has been a personal choice.  I seek to enlighten those around me that it's not necessary to eat meat, and that seems to suit them all just fine.  We should never force our choices upon others...instead, we should lead by example and let them follow when they choose.


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