Eye reading? Could you please?

A place where you can post a picture of yourself, and see what people can find out from it.

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Eye reading? Could you please?

Post by vali-espana » Wed Mar 31, 2010 12:42 pm

Well I think that the eyes are the window to the soul.. I can't really judge my soul, so could you? I would like to hear anything and everything you feel from my pic, the good, the bad, whatever vibes you get.. I will of course let you know which are true or not.. If by any chance you get any insights as to my future please share.. Yours, Vali..
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Post by spiritalk » Wed Mar 31, 2010 2:52 pm

A smile goes from the mouth to the eyes, while the eyes can be the creation of the smile.  Showing full face would show a caring, loving, easy to laugh type of person.  There is kindness in the eyes and I am sure in the smile you project to all things in life.  You have found the secret to living well....always smile through all things.

If you are not particularly feeling like the above right now it could be because the challenges of life are getting harder as you grow and they pull you down somewhat.  Do not allow your smile to go out, nor the light that shines in your eyes at the foibles of life.  That is the creation of a smile - seeing all things as "this too will pass".  

Your eyes are like those big spotlights going out into your environment.  You are reaching further and further away from your own comfort zone to experience some adventures of life.  They are waiting for you to follow the light.  The world is beginning to open up on career and relationships right now - just around the next bend in the road.  Be ready for your part to play.

It is not the circumstances you find, so much as how you handle them that will define your adventures.  Keep the love light shining.
God bless, J

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Post by vali-espana » Wed Mar 31, 2010 4:58 pm

Good evening Spiritalk. Thank you so much for your kind words.. Your description of me is like you know me.. I've had some difficult situations and I learned from a tender age to put on my mask so to speak. I was adopted and felt abandoned inside. My adoptive parents divorced one year after getting me. My mother remarried to a person addicted to gambling who beat her up all the time and gave me weird looks if you know what I mean. Not touches but those looks are sometimes more harmful.. So I had to cope, and I kept telling to myself that I would leave, and so every morning I put on my smile and rarely talked to anyone about my feelings. To be honest I raised my mum and she still is not mature. Anyway I went through school, graduated with Honours, I am a doctor now and live in another country. The further the better. I still put on my smile everyday and I'm very sociable, but few people know where I come from. Things are hard for me for the past months but I won't lose my courage, I'm a survivor and I have a lot to give to anyone who might want advice I'm here.. I just started working, gone through a move from Athens to Leros Island in Greece and it's really hard on me, not to mention that my 5year relationship is falling apart. I have posted a chart on Horary about that if you want more details, still trying to decipher it as I like learning astrology! Once more I thank you from the heart for taking the time to answer to me.. Your words touched me, and I sure hope that the world is beginning to open up on career and relationships right now as you say..
Yours truly,
Valentini :)

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Apr 04, 2010 3:10 pm

It is somehow more our pains and suffering that define us than any joys.  But we just seek the joys of life to create happiness as a goal.  Be assured all is in the right place for good things to happen.  Perhaps the closing of the door on one relationships is helping you see the window to other things in life?
God bless, J

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