FREE Astrology Apps for iPhone, Android, iPad, and PC/Mac Desktops

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FREE Astrology Apps for iPhone, Android, iPad, and PC/Mac Desktops

Post by MichaelErlewine » Sat Apr 30, 2011 1:50 pm

FREE Astrology Apps for iPhone, Android, iPad, and PC/Mac Desktops

A complete astrological chart wheel and interpretations and many other oracle apps like tarot, I-Ching, Runes, etc. can be found at the link below:
Those of you who want access to all the Matrix mobile apps (from your smart phone) just enter in the following website address like you would any other web site and bookmark it.

For those of you on laptops and desktops, Mac or PC, you can have a mobile simulator by going to this web address with your browser.


Michael Erlewine


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