Is anyone HUMAN here--if yes reply query--Too much to handle so I am thinking abt dying! help ifuwnt

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Is anyone HUMAN here--if yes reply query--Too much to handle so I am thinking abt dying! help ifuwnt

Post by bajy » Fri Jan 15, 2010 9:26 am

24 may 1990
2:43 pm

left education due to some personal problems after 12th. Now for Indian colleges have rendered me ineligible. So I only can look towards abroad---US--I have admission offers. BUT I dont have enough money.

This way-----India is over & US I cant go-----so
edu/career- over
no finances nothing

so now do u think I should live----for what----I have no will or intent to live.

Tell me if I will be in US this year?????  please answer just dont give any ppshyciatrist advices....

either US or death.....I will kill myself.....this depression of past 4 years Icant take anymore.

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Post by Rhutobello » Fri Jan 15, 2010 10:53 am

several request about same thing..please contact professional help.

What you now are doing is to confirm to your brain that you are "Ill" and negative.

This will not help you at all, in order to be better you need to search for a positive approach to your problem.

Don't put up to big goals at once, put your problems down on paper, don't wish for the star...there are millions out there who have it worse then you, and most of them manage to have a rich and wonderful life.

It is not how much gold you have, where you work, what kind of work that is your own satisfaction that tell you how good you have managed.

Your own satisfaction stay in your brain, and can be programmed.
If you go around telling your brain how bad life is, how you suffer, and so on, Your Brain gives you the signal that you suffer.

If you on the other hand try to move away from the negative state of mind, with professional help if needed, then your life might improve considerable, even if your life situation don't change at all.

Why do you think a hobo can have a "good life" or a "billionaire" have a lousy life, only because it is their satisfaction or dissatisfaction that control it...not wealth or fame!

So the best advice is....start to work with get back on your feet...start to search for anything positive and shy away from any negative thoughts!

Good luck.


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