Seeing demons

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Seeing demons

Post by Shamir » Sat Jul 26, 2014 2:22 am

I have this gift I see demons on widows on trees  my question is do think a demon caused me to see demons or something else :smt012

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Demons in trees

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Jul 28, 2014 12:30 am

Hello Shamir,

I would personally regard the apparent ability to see demons on trees or anywhere else for that matter as a curse instead of as a gift, or as a sign of undiagnosed and therefore untreated mental or emotional illness.

I do recognise that in your culture and possibly your religion as well that the existence of demons and their ability to negatively influence the lives of human beings is not questioned, but my personal belief is that there is quite enough potential evil living in the hearts of human beings (either those alive or dead), to need to attribute it to supernatural beings which look like rejects out of a nightmare.

The devil or demon made me do it is often used as an excuse or moral justification for us doing anything which we know is wrong. If you are seeing demons in trees, they are I feel more likely to be a projection of your "inner demons" (the parts of your personality which you are ashamed or embarrassed about - often called your shadow self) onto the outside world around you.

In a relatively small number of cases however, and yours my be one of them, there are really spiritual entities involved, but you will be seeing them through your beliefs as demons, while others who do not share those same beliefs will see dark shadows or ghosts in their place.

Paranormal phenomena are always experienced through a filter of that particular individual's belief system. If you believe that demons are all around you and are able to cause endless mischief and trouble in your life, then you will naturally experience life partly as a result of you believing in them and their influence over you.

At this stage I am not quite sure how much of your ability is genuinely paranormal, and what fraction is purely psychological. My current opinion which is open to solid evidence to the contrary, is that it is much more of the latter.

The same logical principle applies to living your life based mainly upon superstition, magic spells and curses. The real "power" of any magic spell is to be found in the minds of both the person who cast the spell, as well as in the mind of his or her victim.

I look forward to your further evidence that these "demons" exist separately from yourself, before forming a definite opinion about this.

I am in addition most concerned as well by you requesting so many different readings at the same time in so many of the different reading forums, as I feel that this will only be likely to further confuse you and feed into your superstitions even more.

That alone is enough reason for me not to go ahead with giving you a reading in the psychic reading forum.

No reading will be able to help you if they is a genuine paranormal phenomenon. You instead need a highly specialised type of medium and his or her own carefully selected helper team to rid you of them. Amateurs who do not know what they are doing (even those with the best of intentions to help you) could actually make your situation much worse than it already is.

This type of situation must never be taken anything but seriously, and it ALMOST ALWAYS requires the specialised help of knowledgeable and suitably trained professionals who you must consult in person where you live (instead of over the internet).

Take care,

EoT  :smt009

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Jul 30, 2014 12:53 am


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