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Vinay Jha
Posts: 519
Joined: Fri Dec 19, 2008 5:56 am
Location: India

Post by Vinay Jha » Mon Oct 08, 2012 2:40 pm


In JHora and Kundalee softwares, one will find popular as well as new options for divisional charts. Reverse order (sequencing ) in even signs has been carried out in Kundalee Softwware in following divisionals :

D7 :
odd : 1 to 7
even : 8 to 14(=2) but in reverse order, i.e., 8 at bottom with increments towards up.

D9 :
odd : 1 to 9
even : 10 to 18 (=6) but in reverse order, i.e., 10 at bottom with increments towards up.

D10 :
odd : 1 to 10
even : 10 to 7 but in reverse order, i.e., 10 at bottom with increments towards up.

Its plan, therefore is irregular.

D16 :
odd : 1 to 16 (i.e. 4)
even : 5 to 8 but in reverse order, i.e., 5 at bottom with increments towards up.

D20 :
odd : 1 to 20 (i.e. 8)
even : 9 to 4 but in reverse order, i.e., 9 at bottom with increments towards up.

D24 :
odd : 5 to 4 in + step as in all above
even : 4 to 5 but in reverse order, i.e., 4 at bottom with increments towards up.

Thus, all signs have Leo at top, but even signs have negative stepping as we go down.

D27 :
odd : 1 to 27(i.e. 3)
even : 4 to 6 but in reverse order, i.e., 4 at bottom with increments towards up.

These have been activated in Kundalee 6.6.27 currently online, I am testing (astrologically) new schemes on other divisionals.

I have tested this scheme ASTROLOGICALLY for D7, D10, D16, and found them to be far more accurate than the popular scheme. The popular shceme has a history of a few decades only, and is based on wrong commentaries of BPHS by those who never tested these divisionals practically.

D30 has a long history of reverse sequencing in even signs  at least 12 centuries. I believe errors crept in during modern age when astrologers stopped using divisionals. Late mediaeval texts prove lots of divisionals were widely used in most important events like marriage &c.

Vinay Jha

Vinay Jha
Posts: 519
Joined: Fri Dec 19, 2008 5:56 am
Location: India

Post by Vinay Jha » Tue Oct 09, 2012 5:17 am

RishiRahul wrote:Hello,

This thread is ONLY about jhora versions & information of its updates; not about Kundli or comparisons.

We should keep to it.

Site moderator

I thought that this this thread is about discussion on "Suryasiddhaantic analytical model in JHora...". which is the title of this thread.

I was mistaken, perhaps. Issues are unimportant, and today I learnt that this forum is only for "jhora versions & information of its updates" (which was not clarified in thread caption, and we cannot discuss the ISSUES raised by PVR Narasimha Rao and me.

If anyone reads the seven points raised by PVR in the message forwarded above by Rishi Ji, four out of seven points mentioned by PVR are related to SSS in JHora and specifically mentions me (i.e., my SSS model which is available ONLY through Kundalee).

The most important things in the recent version of JHora are two :

Fine tuning of JHora and Kundalee in the SSS mode of both softwares, and it is clearly mentioned by PVR.  He uses the source code of Kundalee sent by me to update JHora's SSS mode. Many users of JHora were complaining about the differences in SSS version of JHora with Kundalee. JHora's SSS mode is title of the thread here, and JHora's SSS had differences with the source software Kundalee, which has been resolved now in the latest release of JHora (as PVR has said, I have not checked). If JHora's SSS mode cannot be discussed in this threadf, is this thread ONLY about advertisement of JHora's aupdates? If so, the title should have been likewise. I did what the title said.

Next most important point in JHora's recent update is some new methods in computations of divisional charts. Most of these new divisionals were released in Kundalee BEFORE JHora released it now, as Rohiniranjan Ji should have noticed in JR group which he visits and where I am not prevented from announcing my works. I had nearly four dozen email exchanges with PVR during past one month about the differences of JHora and Kundalee, about SSS as well as about Swiss Ephemeris used by all Vedic Drik softwares. Here is the ISSUE discussioed :

Reverse sequence of even signs is an old concept mentioned in the context of D-30 in all commentaries of BPHS. But recently PVR started stating that it is a NEW discovery by Krishna Mishra (D9) and by PVR (D24). I was trying to discuss this point with respect to D30 with him for 1.5 uears, but then he was unwilling, and he made this NEW discovery which is actually the original design of BPHS (PVR also accepts it). Hence, it is not a new discovery : both PVR and I hold this view. But some of his statements are ambiguous and give the impression that it is a new discovery. I extended reverse sequencing in even signs to D7, D10, D16, etc, as mentioned in BPHS, and wrote to PVR that I have checked this method of casting divisionals ASTROLOGICALLY over a lot of charts and found it to be astrologically correct, PVR replied that he is trying to include it in JHora just to facilitate research and was not sure of its accuracy. Hence, there is a difference between PVR and me as far as this type of divisionals is concerned.

I hoped someone in this forum will be interested in research about this type of divisionals, which is original Parashari divisional according to both PVR and me. Hence, I mentioned in detail the plan of this type of divisional which has now been activated in JHora and was activated in Kundalee in previous two versions.

But I do not know why Rishi Ji is not interested in this field of researchy and treats my points as an advertisement of Kundalee. Then, why he advertises JHora? MB is not for advertisement, it is for discussion of astrological ISSUES.

Rishi Ji should start a new thread titled "JHora's Updates" or rename the present thread. The present  thread is for SSS-mode in JHora and it is improper to prevent the supplier of source-code of SSS-mode of JHora to discuss the topic mentioned in the thread-caption.

Hence, I must either post here important researches in Vedic Astrology pertinent to the thread, or leave this forum. I am not here for passing my time.

I hoped PVR would relieve me of software making task. But he did not : he neglected my requests to rectify JHora's SSS-mode, and he not only neglected but also attacked me in his forums, which made me leave his forum. Then I returned to upgrading Kundalee, and when Kundalee became easily installable then all of a sudden PVR got interested in removing the discrepancy between JHora's SSS mode and Kundalee's SSS mode, till then he was complacent that Kudalee is difficult to install and JHora's SSS mode has no alternative and no one will discuss the differences.

I had to resign from trusteeship of five Sanskrit institutions in order to settle down at a single place for upgrading Kundalee, it cost me huge financial losses running into millions of rupees. When Kundalee was upgraded, JHora-SSS was also rectified because PVR had no choice.

But then a new front was opened against me : some persons including PVR started attacking me for advocating a new type of Dashaa-Onset-Chart , although I mentioned explicit references in BPHS and also posted very detailed case studies which they do not discuss ( ... d-analysis).

You can analyze this BPHS-tool only with Kundalee if you read this article carefully, JHora or other softwares will not help you here. That is why I was attacked. Research is secondary for some persons who pose as great researchers. Why false accusations ? Why personal attacks ? Why refusal to discuss astrological issues without any ulterior motives?

The article I have provided link of is pertinent to the present thread : you will conclude that JHoira's SSS mode (as well as Drik mode) is incomplete and needs inclusion of Dashaa-Pravesha-Chart ordered by BPHS, but PVR refuses.

Rishi Ji may conclude that I am "advrtising" my works instead of discussing astrology. If he concludes so, he is free to cancel my registration in this forum.

In my view, some persons are distorting the original meanings of BPHS. PVR must be thanked to return to original divisionals as mentioned in Sanskrit verses of BPHS. But he is stiull refusing to accept Dashaa-Onset-Charts which is explained in the case study linked above.

If I mention my own article, it may be construed as self-advertisement. Rishi could do it, as he does for JHora's SSS mode.

Copying the whole matter of that large article here will waste hours, hence linking is a necessity. It is not self-advertisement. Should I post my articles at my websites by changing the name of author, so that the charge of self-adversement should not be leveled against me ?? I am not interested in self-advertisement, but some persons thinh publishing one's works is nothing but self-advertisement, they have no interest in the ISSUES.

If that be so, it is best to part company.

The sanctity of ISSUES needs to be respected. Chhaandogya Upanishada says Manushya is mere Samkalpa. If we are devoid of good ideas, we relapse into Nothingness, the Being gets drowned.


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Post by RishiRahul » Tue Oct 09, 2012 6:22 am

Vinay Jha wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:Hello,

This thread is ONLY about jhora versions & information of its updates; not about Kundli or comparisons.

We should keep to it.

Site moderator

I thought that this this thread is about discussion on "Suryasiddhaantic analytical model in JHora...". which is the title of this thread.

I was mistaken, perhaps. Issues are unimportant, and today I learnt that this forum is only for "jhora versions & information of its updates" (which was not clarified in thread caption, and we cannot discuss the ISSUES raised by PVR Narasimha Rao and me.

If anyone reads the seven points raised by PVR in the message forwarded above by Rishi Ji, four out of seven points mentioned by PVR are related to SSS in JHora and specifically mentions me (i.e., my SSS model which is available ONLY through Kundalee).

The most important things in the recent version of JHora are two :

Fine tuning of JHora and Kundalee in the SSS mode of both softwares, and it is clearly mentioned by PVR.  He uses the source code of Kundalee sent by me to update JHora's SSS mode. Many users of JHora were complaining about the differences in SSS version of JHora with Kundalee. JHora's SSS mode is title of the thread here, and JHora's SSS had differences with the source software Kundalee, which has been resolved now in the latest release of JHora (as PVR has said, I have not checked). If JHora's SSS mode cannot be discussed in this threadf, is this thread ONLY about advertisement of JHora's aupdates? If so, the title should have been likewise. I did what the title said.

Next most important point in JHora's recent update is some new methods in computations of divisional charts. Most of these new divisionals were released in Kundalee BEFORE JHora released it now, as Rohiniranjan Ji should have noticed in JR group which he visits and where I am not prevented from announcing my works. I had nearly four dozen email exchanges with PVR during past one month about the differences of JHora and Kundalee, about SSS as well as about Swiss Ephemeris used by all Vedic Drik softwares. Here is the ISSUE discussioed :

Reverse sequence of even signs is an old concept mentioned in the context of D-30 in all commentaries of BPHS. But recently PVR started stating that it is a NEW discovery by Krishna Mishra (D9) and by PVR (D24). I was trying to discuss this point with respect to D30 with him for 1.5 uears, but then he was unwilling, and he made this NEW discovery which is actually the original design of BPHS (PVR also accepts it). Hence, it is not a new discovery : both PVR and I hold this view. But some of his statements are ambiguous and give the impression that it is a new discovery. I extended reverse sequencing in even signs to D7, D10, D16, etc, as mentioned in BPHS, and wrote to PVR that I have checked this method of casting divisionals ASTROLOGICALLY over a lot of charts and found it to be astrologically correct, PVR replied that he is trying to include it in JHora just to facilitate research and was not sure of its accuracy. Hence, there is a difference between PVR and me as far as this type of divisionals is concerned.

I hoped someone in this forum will be interested in research about this type of divisionals, which is original Parashari divisional according to both PVR and me. Hence, I mentioned in detail the plan of this type of divisional which has now been activated in JHora and was activated in Kundalee in previous two versions.

But I do not know why Rishi Ji is not interested in this field of researchy and treats my points as an advertisement of Kundalee. Then, why he advertises JHora? MB is not for advertisement, it is for discussion of astrological ISSUES.

Rishi Ji should start a new thread titled "JHora's Updates" or rename the present thread. The present  thread is for SSS-mode in JHora and it is improper to prevent the supplier of source-code of SSS-mode of JHora to discuss the topic mentioned in the thread-caption.

Hence, I must either post here important researches in Vedic Astrology pertinent to the thread, or leave this forum. I am not here for passing my time.

I hoped PVR would relieve me of software making task. But he did not : he neglected my requests to rectify JHora's SSS-mode, and he not only neglected but also attacked me in his forums, which made me leave his forum. Then I returned to upgrading Kundalee, and when Kundalee became easily installable then all of a sudden PVR got interested in removing the discrepancy between JHora's SSS mode and Kundalee's SSS mode, till then he was complacent that Kudalee is difficult to install and JHora's SSS mode has no alternative and no one will discuss the differences.

I had to resign from trusteeship of five Sanskrit institutions in order to settle down at a single place for upgrading Kundalee, it cost me huge financial losses running into millions of rupees. When Kundalee was upgraded, JHora-SSS was also rectified because PVR had no choice.

But then a new front was opened against me : some persons including PVR started attacking me for advocating a new type of Dashaa-Onset-Chart , although I mentioned explicit references in BPHS and also posted very detailed case studies which they do not discuss ( ... d-analysis).

You can analyze this BPHS-tool only with Kundalee if you read this article carefully, JHora or other softwares will not help you here. That is why I was attacked. Research is secondary for some persons who pose as great researchers. Why false accusations ? Why personal attacks ? Why refusal to discuss astrological issues without any ulterior motives?

The article I have provided link of is pertinent to the present thread : you will conclude that JHoira's SSS mode (as well as Drik mode) is incomplete and needs inclusion of Dashaa-Pravesha-Chart ordered by BPHS, but PVR refuses.

Rishi Ji may conclude that I am "advrtising" my works instead of discussing astrology. If he concludes so, he is free to cancel my registration in this forum.

In my view, some persons are distorting the original meanings of BPHS. PVR must be thanked to return to original divisionals as mentioned in Sanskrit verses of BPHS. But he is stiull refusing to accept Dashaa-Onset-Charts which is explained in the case study linked above.

If I mention my own article, it may be construed as self-advertisement. Rishi could do it, as he does for JHora's SSS mode.

Copying the whole matter of that large article here will waste hours, hence linking is a necessity. It is not self-advertisement. Should I post my articles at my websites by changing the name of author, so that the charge of self-adversement should not be leveled against me ?? I am not interested in self-advertisement, but some persons thinh publishing one's works is nothing but self-advertisement, they have no interest in the ISSUES.

If that be so, it is best to part company.

The sanctity of ISSUES needs to be respected. Chhaandogya Upanishada says Manushya is mere Samkalpa. If we are devoid of good ideas, we relapse into Nothingness, the Being gets drowned.


Vinay ji,

Yes. This is not the thread to raise issues in Jhora; or even sss; hence moved as 'inappropriate'

For issues raised in jhora, I cannot say; but for the self development of Jhora, Narasimha ji has a separate group, Jhora being his own product.

You often mention about others attacking you; also about not allowing your participation in certain forums.
If such a thing happened to me, I would have asked myself, that since 'these' are happening to me always; Is something wrong with ME or THEM?



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