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Vinay Jha
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Post by Vinay Jha » Tue Aug 14, 2012 12:02 am

Dear Vinay_ji,

If you are all 'done' and have exhausted what you can tell or share, then please be brave enough to admit that honestly and we will all understand. But please do not repeat this pattern of yours of blaming others, lately me, that I do not want you to continue discussing and similar childish cop-out bahanaybaji!

Please GROW UP and assume responsibility for your work and promises! Instead of using these victim-mentality ploys and excuses that I have seen you use often as an 'escape' strategy!

And please do not get distracted from your objectives that you have assumed!


Mr Rohiniranjan,

Learn some degree of civility while discussing on a public forum. Before raising questions against my honesty and immaturity, learn some honesty, and also learn some English. Here is what you wrote :

"We have squeezed this lemon too much and all the vitamin C has been extracted already! My point having been made, I shall allow those more able-minded than this chiunti to continue to improve the stats. Before people get tired of waiting and waiting and begin to wonder if nodes are up to their illusory tricks, yet again...! "

I honestly believed thjat you want closure of this case. I was a topper in English and I never saw such a confused writer who does not know what he writes. A straight mind writes straight and untwisted sentences. I have complained many times that it is often difficult to guess what you mean by your confusing expressions. Why you cannot write clearly?

I was really sorry that you wanted closure of discussion. And now I am stopping this discussion because I do not want a dogfight in this forum. On Rishi Ji's request, I asked this native to send me details, which he sent today. I wanted to post these details as I had mentioned earlier, but now I am retiring from this thread because it has become offensive and insulting.

You are the most insolent and immature megalomaniac I have ever seen on inrternet. Sorry for using strong words, but this is the only way to show you your true place and worth. All your knowledge and experience of astrology is cipher without civility.


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Aug 14, 2012 12:28 am

Vinay Jha wrote:Dear Vinay_ji,

If you are all 'done' and have exhausted what you can tell or share, then please be brave enough to admit that honestly and we will all understand. But please do not repeat this pattern of yours of blaming others, lately me, that I do not want you to continue discussing and similar childish cop-out bahanaybaji!

Please GROW UP and assume responsibility for your work and promises! Instead of using these victim-mentality ploys and excuses that I have seen you use often as an 'escape' strategy!

And please do not get distracted from your objectives that you have assumed!

Mr Rohiniranjan,

Learn some degree of civility while discussing on a public forum. Before raising questions against my honesty and immaturity, learn some honesty, and also learn some English. Here is what you wrote :

"We have squeezed this lemon too much and all the vitamin C has been extracted already! My point having been made, I shall allow those more able-minded than this chiunti to continue to improve the stats. Before people get tired of waiting and waiting and begin to wonder if nodes are up to their illusory tricks, yet again...! "

I honestly believed thjat you want closure of this case. I was a topper in English and I never saw such a confused writer who does not know what he writes. A straight mind writes straight and untwisted sentences. I have complained many times that it is often difficult to guess what you mean by your confusing expressions. Why you cannot write clearly?

I was really sorry that you wanted closure of discussion. And now I am stopping this discussion because I do not want a dogfight in this forum. On Rishi Ji's request, I asked this native to send me details, which he sent today. I wanted to post these details as I had mentioned earlier, but now I am retiring from this thread because it has become offensive and insulting.

You are the most insolent and immature megalomaniac I have ever seen on inrternet. Sorry for using strong words, but this is the only way to show you your true place and worth. All your knowledge and experience of astrology is cipher without civility.


As some english author wrote, I believe, "The Cookie crumbles, yet again...!" <LOL>

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Post by Certain » Wed Aug 15, 2012 1:44 pm

hanuman3233 wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:
biltu wrote:
Vinay Jha pissed off from Internet and wrote: It took me decades to decide which mathematical model is better for astrology. But on internet, it takes just a few seconds by faster persons.
Your place always be in that place what you earn from your hard work, honesty and devotion. I respect that from my heart and soul. I think That place you earn from your hard work is not so much weak that you feel insecure in internet.

Lots of respect to you to Sir Image

I reciprocate with regards!

Namaste All,

It is my first post in this forum. I read many posts with interest, and was sorry to find below standard language interpolated in high quality discussion. Had the topics not contained some marvels, I would have instantly resigned from this forum just after joining at the sight of sentences like "="Vinay Jha pissed off from Internet..." .  Mr Biltu is nearly one generation younger to Mr Vinay Jha, such words should not be used even for juniors in a public forum. Or should I suppose Mr Rohiniranjan has changed the rules here by his ruling that morality &c are things of past and Jyotisha is mere technicality. Abusing one's apparent opponent may be part of this "technicality".

Although I became a member late, I read these members here and in many other fora. It is difficult to enforce codes of conduct on internet members, but not impossible. Moderators can ensure dignity in discourse. Mr Certain's complaint must be heeded.

Can Rishi Rahul Ji disclose what were his grounds for supposing that the native under discussion had a bad period from 2006 to 2009 ? I am interested in learning from his experience. I also want to know why this native earned huge profits also during some months within this bad period.

Discussion shyould be restricted to the topic and should not be degraded to personal attacks &c. Digressions into poetry and philosophy is a bad thing. I have too many occupations like others, and I have joined here for astrology and not for poetry or philosophy. I hope Mr Rohiniranjan Ji will not be angry at my suggestions. If someone has nothing special to contribute to a topic, there should be no need to add useless posts which destroys the environs and tempo of discussion.

If moderators keep such members under restraint, I will also like to share my experiences on such topics. Else, I would fain retire from a "pissing" station which I assume to be an intellectual discussion forum on a limb of Veda whose first and foremost principle is RTA : moral order.

I dont find philosophy or poetry abusive. I am talking about Mr Vinay Jha being abusive to Mr Rohiniranjan and this is not Mr Jhas' first time. If you find a post which has more poetry and less astrology , you are not compelled to respond to it. You can skip that one. Abuse deserves a different course of action.
As far as Biltus' response is concerned I dont think he said anything out of the way. He was just being simple. I dont think Biltu needs to look at anyones' age. Respect is earned and has nothing to do with age.

Vinay Jha
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Non-astro Nonsense Prevails in Some Posts !

Post by Vinay Jha » Wed Aug 15, 2012 1:47 pm

Mr Biltu should serve in an investigating agency, for deducing far-fetched conclusions on the basis of a hyphen or dash or comma !! Why this over-intelligence is not displayed in conducting astrological case studies ?

Mr Biltu had no bad intention in his earlier mail ("piss") and I did not lodge any complaint againt it, and actually that post was full of benevolence for me, excepting for a single word which belongs to slang and might have been avoided. I had responded positively to that message from Mr Biltu, yet he is charging me of foul actions/intentions.

I did not find anything wrong in either Mr Biltu's post or in Mr Hanuman's post, yet I am being drawn into a useless controversy by a person who has not shown any worth in astrology as far as I know (I may be wrong, but I have actually never seen a good astrological post from him, althout it is the first time I am witnessing some prejudiced behaviour from him). The manner in which Mr Biltu is now diverting the issue leads me to think that there is no worth for astrological talks for some members in MB. This thread was for Hora, and no one discusses Hora. Mr Rishi Rahul is the only person who took this topic seriously, but even his attempts to put the discussion on astrological tracks could not induce some poets and philosophers (and now some detectives and spies) to kill the real topic.

The case study put forth by me belongs to finances and the role of Hora is important in this field. Two thirds of planets are in Moon's Hora, yet this native suffered greatly. Why ? Is not the prevalent method of judging Hora erroneous ? My question lies unanswered. I think Mr Haniman's post was also an attempt to put the discussion on astrological track. But in vain.

Hence, I am retiring from this thread. Let Mr Biltu fight with Mr Hanuman &c. I do not monopolize dash and dot and comma. There are over six billion humans and I have seen many persons using dash in this manner.

There is only one person named Sunil Kumar who sometimes uses my internet connection because we live in the same building, but he is not a member of mysticboard.

Before applying super-intelligence, Mr Biltu should think why I should use Mr Hanuman to say things which I myself did not say ? Had I complained against Mr Biltu, it would have made some sense in Mr Biultu's charge that Iam trying to gather real or fake supporters.

Almost in every forum I find persons disrupting astrological talks with non-astro rubbish. If these fellows have nothing serious to offer, they should read passively. Disruptive interference in serious discussions destroys good &nbsp;threads. I think Mr Hanuman also tried to drive home the same point, but in vain.

I also entertained doubts about real identity of Mr Biltu, but I refrained from airing such misgivings.

It is now over. I am not going to participate in this thread anymore.


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Post by biltu » Wed Aug 15, 2012 2:40 pm

really messed up Image

problem is some member taking Internet things very seriously.

I am not a Very Important Person here. So if anyone feel some bad about my post then just ignore it. Why taking it seriously I don't understand.

Vinay Jha
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Post by Vinay Jha » Wed Aug 15, 2012 3:49 pm

biltu wrote:really messed up Image

problem is some member taking Internet things very seriously.

I am not a Very Important Person here. So if anyone feel some bad about my post then just ignore it. Why taking it seriously I don't understand.
Biltu JI,

The most unimportant person is one who thinks himself / herself to be a VIP.

Internet astro-talk is pastime for some. But I take everything very seriously, from food and drink to internet and externet.

I have no grievance against you. My grievance is against Rohiniranjan Ji who is capable of bringing more life into astrological threads, but most of the time he does the opposite. Now he says rishis talked in verses, hence he should also do poetry &c in astro threads.

But rishis did not talk rubbish in verses.


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Aug 15, 2012 11:46 pm

Vinay Jha wrote:
biltu wrote:really messed up Image

problem is some member taking Internet things very seriously.

I am not a Very Important Person here. So if anyone feel some bad about my post then just ignore it. Why taking it seriously I don't understand.
Biltu JI,

The most unimportant person is one who thinks himself / herself to be a VIP.

Internet astro-talk is pastime for some. But I take everything very seriously, from food and drink to internet and externet.

I have no grievance against you. My grievance is against Rohiniranjan Ji who is capable of bringing more life into astrological threads, but most of the time he does the opposite. Now he says rishis talked in verses, hence he should also do poetry &c in astro threads.

But rishis did not talk rubbish in verses.


AHA, aadarneeya Vinay_ji! Good to see you publicly confess that you have this 'thing' against me, personally, despite all your smooth-talk and phony show of politeness etc <LOL>

Now that that is off your already burdened chest, maybe you can focus on delivering what you had been promising for now some years but could never get around to delivering!

A software that *works* rather than blaming microsoft and the rest of the world for blocking your progress;
providing some cogently put together evidence that shows that this SSS system works! Tall claims of which all have been hearing for so long that understandably people have begun to seriously doubt if you have anything to show, other than empty promises!

Since you are personally attacking me, once again, I must respond too, or else your perception will become more and more 'organized' in presumably your mind...!

You are not the first individual on the jyotish scene who has just promised and promised and promised and after excuses and personal innuendos and attacks, have generally left in a huff.

That kind of behaviour repeated often makes others wonder if there is any substance behind all that fire and brimstone and NOISE! <LOL>

I still have hopes that you may yet be able to deliver! But first you need to FOCUS and put your beautiful mind to the project that you have assumed...!

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Thu Aug 16, 2012 12:03 am

biltu wrote:really messed up Image

problem is some member taking Internet things very seriously.

I am not a Very Important Person here. So if anyone feel some bad about my post then just ignore it. Why taking it seriously I don't understand.

For whatever it is worth, I do not think you are 'messed-up!' even if you may have pissed one or two out of the world population which is fast approaching 7 billion and despite dooms-day sayers (Mayan prophecy believers and others...!) may, despite wars and natural disasters and changing weather and climate cycles and so on, tend to escalate even further! Which is not a good thing, necessarily for Mother Earth and the Environment etc! <LOL>

NOSE is associated with smelling and the part of the brain that is the oldest is the one where sense of smell is perceived and then conveyed to other areas that process the signals and so forth.

Hence someone who can intuitively 'catch-on' is said to have a 'good nose!'... ;-)

Sometimes it is the 'nose' that first DETECTS the CRAP and is a very important protective mechanism that has been responsible for the SURVIVAL of LIFE-FORMs, through EVOLUTION!

Love, Light and Observations...!

(only dots-ellipses, NO DASHES or ECLIPSES...!) ;-)

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Post by RishiRahul » Thu Aug 16, 2012 3:32 am

Let us understand that everyone has their own insecurities and failings........ successes and efforts too.

Continuing on the negatives would lead to the main essence of the Jyotish thread be lost.

There fore, I am refreshing this thread.

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