scared of seeing ghosts... can they feel this

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scared of seeing ghosts... can they feel this

Post by wow » Fri Jul 23, 2010 1:00 pm

Hi, i have always beilived in ghosts but have never actually seen one, though i have had many times when i thought or sensed that the was somthing around me. Do you think its possible that the spirits are picking up that even though im a beieliver they know im scared of seeing them and this is why i cant see them?To be honest i really dont know what i would do if i could see them as i think it would frighten me. i sense one in my new house and just hope his not a bad one. any advise please as what to do as this sometimes scares me so much at night i cant close my eyes. Also i really do think i have voices in my house, is that them trying to talk to me, i couldnt make out what they said but i defo heard it xx

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Post by ~Josie~ » Fri Jul 23, 2010 3:31 pm

A good nightly practice is quieting the inner dialog. It leads to deeper meditation that can make it easier to hear spirits. It's very hard and takes awhile to develop but it is well worth it when your ready. What you do is clear your mind of any thoughts. At first you may find that you can only do it for a short amount of time, but if you do it every night and push yourself a little further each time you can maintain this awareness longer, and be able to distinguish between your thoughts and the entities, but I suggest waiting until you over come your fear first.

Also, seeing spirits will happen if it's meant to happen whether if your scared of them or not, and the more it happens the more you will get used to it. Make it a funny experience. Talk to them and tell them your not afraid laugh and think of something that brings joy to you. By speaking these words of empowerment your creating. Your words have power!

I read in another post somewhere that you said you weren't sure if they mean you harm. I would say that keeping track of your physical health would be a great indicator, such as fatigue, irritability, anger, disorientation, sometimes being in the presence of a malevolent spirit can manifest it's influence upon you in these ways.

Remember you have power to defeat anything that opposes you. You are strong and none of these things can hurt you.

Try saying this chant in your mind whenever your scared

I am strength and the strength is strong

Strong is my power and the power is within me

Repeat it as many times as you wish......

Another simple thing to do is play music at night and keep the light on. I know that sounds so simple, but it keeps your mind off of the noises when your trying to sleep.....


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Post by spiritalk » Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:48 pm

When we have a talent, mediumship/psychic abilities included, we need to find a good teacher and open and develop this talent to its best possible level.  Fears often hold us back from spirit awareness and development.  But the spirits are patient to be able to get through.  

Ghosts is a term of the uneducated spirit and this is not the level you wish to work with or at.  Raise your sites and you will be rewarded with the progressed and progressive.

As far as spirit remaining in a home, this is a common thing.  This is the spirit that is stuck for any number of reasons - mostly they are stuck to what they know - the earth plane.  Moving on and progressive growth is an important aspect of living (including those who have died in the body) and we should be more focused on moving them forward than titilating ourselves with their stuck status.  Send them into the light.

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Post by Evard » Sat Jul 24, 2010 2:44 am

Hi.  I also recommend leaving a side light not a shaded one near you when you feel fear.
I am druidic (and tho I don't recommend this) I used to wake up yelling in druid lang and
send away the 'Kepler Ghouls' who did bother me before I cast an alchemy spell to allow
the time I have problems.. Beltana and Samhain.. so the ghoulish invisible were not then
appearing in shadow and [in fact] making me hiss at the cold and fear emanate they set.

When the mind will be quiet the invisible distraction either spirit or departed will calm with
ways it will calm 'the spirit' and maybe appear as na corporeal vision or colorful mystisitm
allowing either the unwanted seeing and commune or the sending away by warm in spirit:
one way transit to the purgulem where it will wait until common happiness thot will resolve
any wanton etherical harbouring at the place of the home settin with accord peace transit.

Spirits can be scary when they are fear emanate or color and should be sent one way to a
seraphanaum where they will discontinue times of harboured calain~astraum~sheod~wyn.
There are also herbs and potent wim will send away lost held spirits. I say warm n light. :)

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Jul 24, 2010 1:56 pm

Certainly different pratices different techniques.  This is a mediumship line.  That is the underlying interest of the seeker.  

Mediumship is about taking charge of your own fears and calming them to open to the spirit within.  The spirit is the functioning fact in spirit connection.

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